Category Archives: Politico

Follow Your Dreams (…or not)

As a high school senior, the time to pick and keep a major has come around. Graduation is months away. I have been accepted to a private and rather pricey college (financial aid is still unraveling itself), and I have put ‘Law’ as my major with a minor of ‘Political Science.’

Seems rather dignified, right? Not so for an artist and musician such as I.

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Prove It!

“For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don’t believe, no proof is possible.”–Stuart Chase

The birthers

Take a look at this Tea Party rally photo.  The sign reads: “Obama, my forefathers were Christian, yours were from Kenya. That explains a lot about you.”

I believe it’s safe to say that the sign wielder is either hopelessly bigoted, helplessly stupid, or a good bit of both.   Continue reading

How Long?: Thoughts on Haiti

Photo by Al-Jazeera

I’m usually a cold, calculating person.  If I have anything to say, usually, I will say it according to the best logic I can muster, with as little emotional envelopment as I can. On contrary, what I hear about in Haiti just about transcends all my ability to analyze, leaving me with nothing but pure emotion. Continue reading

De-motivating the Light

Image courtesy of Anna Cervova

U.S. has just unveiled the plan for upgrading the pitifully ineffective general surgeon’s warning found on every cigarette box.

Instead of just saying that “Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy,” the FDA plans, like many other countries, to show that smoking is a bad habit by putting pictures of cancer patients, corpses after autopsy, and pictures of horrendously damaged lungs.  The proposed effect?  That smoking will drop down substantially, right along with the cases of cigarette-related cancer. Continue reading

“World” Series?

I’m an American.  Raised in the U.S., there are many things I’ve grown to love, accept, and understand.

Everything except baseball.  I sleep through most of the games.  Sorry.

A number of my European friends accuse me of being an ignorant, arrogant American, despite my mixed culture.  I’ve retaliated many times, but one point got to me.

“L, why do Americans call their baseball championship games “World” Series? Don’t you think it’s a bit weird that an American club wins the game every year?  You don’t think that’s a bit arrogant?”

I couldn’t argue.  I fumbled on my words, saying that Japan plays in it too.  He retorted, “Yeah, in the Little League.  If you want something really World, try the World Cup.”

So, are we Americans arrogant for naming the championship of an American favorite pastime “World Series”?